Journal 2001-082001-08-31, Fri (Day 432): I arrived on campus today. Before picking up my key I ran into Kenny, who I met while moving the computers to the new football office last summer. My room, Worth M 30, is pretty nice, it’s not that small and has a nice nostalgic feel to it. My phone had a dial tone at first but then stopped working before I could place a call. I used the phone downstairs to call telecom to get it fixed. Now last year I didn’t have a phone and that was fixed within the afternoon. This year there seems to be a lot of phone problems, as shown by when I left my message on the telecom voice mail I was cut off while giving my description of the problem. My network jack works fine. I wiped down the walls of the room to remove the old baggage present in the space and then started unpacking. Today was a humid day so it was difficult to work at a good rate. I went to Sharples for dinner and sat with Sven, Ben, and Susan at the SWIL table. Matt and a few others sat down afterwards. A first-year student Phoenix meeting was at 19:00 and an editorial board meeting was at 22:00. In between those times I was chatting with Nathan about the PostScript to PDF script he is writing. Branen was also chatting enthusiastically about his ideas for audio news reporting. Kent, a junior transfer from Georgia Tech, talked to me about the online edition and seemed interested in it. It rained late this evening, reducing the mugginess eventually. |
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